Sign Up​
for Giving Clicks digital giving solutions
Know the plan you want to start with then click the link below. It takes 4-5 minutes to complete.
The signup process takes about 5 minutes.
Questions? Call 800-948-9208 or
Schedule a Phone Call Here
A. Information
Be ready with the legal name of the ministry, if it's different, the tax id/501c3 number, the date the ministry started, and the bank routing and account number.
The person applying or a leader's home address, cell phone, social security number, date of birth, and email address (required since 9/11 and kept confidential).
B. Upload
Be ready to upload a picture or scanned copy of the following during the signup, or fax them to 1-407-982-7577 or email@givingclicks.org.
A voided check from the bank account or a letter from the bank.
Your ministry's IRS/501c3 letter (documents from your state will not substitute for this required document please).
C. On your website
For websites with donations through them, it's now required to have a privacy policy and refund terms. This is usually at the footer on the site. If you need some wording, click here for wording for policies.

Grow more, do more.
Today, more than ever, ministries need more resources.
And yet, 60 percent have never given a dime to their church.
With thirty years of experience, serving hundreds of ministries,
Giving Clicks opens new avenues of giving, makes giving rewarding, transforming giving into experiences, reinforces growth with an integrated strategy, in line with your ministry's culture.
In the first thirty days, we’ve seen giving grow 10 percent with our Ministry App.
And we’ve seen growth of 17% to 24% in ministries over a 12 month period.​​
Here's what to do now:
Check out the different Giving Clicks plans; there is no contract.
Look at all the avenues for giving.
Start for free or with a larger strategy.
Your member's lives are intertwined with the digital world.
Doing too little, too late, will negatively impact your ministry.​