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Ministry App
Mobile App Giving
Here is the normal flow in text giving through your mobile app.
After you choose Give, you see your options.
For His Tithe, they tap the button to give.
Only the first gift requires billing info.
This is the email receipt they receive.
Then a text receipt and how future gifts work.
After you choose Give, you see your options.
For Beyond2020, they tap the button to give.
Branding ensures they are at the right place.
This is the email receipt they receive.
Then a text receipt and how future gifts work.
Let's face it, your members are not going to stop using technology because nearly everyone who comes into contact with the internet does not want to disconnect.
Smartphone users spend three times longer on mobile apps than on mobile websites.
That’s why you can see people everywhere glued to their devices. And there is something different about today's personal technology; it’s persuasive and enjoyable.
Your members are not going to stop using technology...
You are a steward of people, finance, and resource. The Ministry App places it all at your fingertips.
You might ask,
"Why a Ministry App?"
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