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Simple to Use
Giving Clicks is incredibly easy to use. No technical knowledge is required! Manage all your online fundraising in seconds.
Transaction Equipment
Qualifying accounts receive use of specific point-of-purchase equipment at no charge.
$100,000 loss protection insurance is available for your ministry against losses related to data breach. We handle your PCI compliance for security and risk management.
Easy for Donors
Giving Clicks makes it easy for donors. Most donations are completed in 60 seconds or less.
Ongoing Advocacy
We vet service partners, negotiate and re-negotiate fees on an ongoing basis to give your ministry maximum savings and best-in-class services.
Charitable Rewards©
Your ministry can earn additional income to zero out your annual transaction expenses and generate bonus revenue through the Charitable Rewards referral program.
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Offering/Donation Pages
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Reward and Encourage the Donors
More resources for ministry from a Financial Crisis
Of course, ministries need financial support to do their work. But in 2008 the U.S. economic meltdown impacted giving across the board, including the missionaries and church planters that John Honeycutt, a church planter, was helping. Most of these ministries took a 20-30% financial "hit" and were struggling. John was committed to two things: providing more ways for supporters to give and helping ministries keep more of their donation dollars. The principles he used for establishing self-supporting churches established the work of Giving Clicks.
Greater revenue and savings through best-in-class digital giving
Giving Clicks was born from this need: providing a critical bridge between ministries and the complex, often predatory world of digital transaction processing. Because our goal is the advancement of the Kingdom, we offer the lowest possible rates and fees to ensure that ministries have the greatest net revenue. Usually 20-30% lower than those available through other merchant service providers.
As John was helping the missionaries and church planters in his network, he was approached by other ministries to grow their support base as well. The Giving Clicks team was expanded and the movement began.
So more can know Christ
With access to virtually all digital giving options including online, onsite, mobile, social, in-kind and event, Giving Clicks offers ministries every avenue for donations. And with our Charitable Rewards© referral program, ministries can even generate bonus income to completely offset their fees and more.
By helping churches get more and net more, we raise resources for Kingdom work, increase engagement, promote healthy discipleship, and ultimately help more people know Christ. That's what Giving Clicks is all about.
Giving Clicks is a registered agent with more that 15 merchant services and equipment companies for credit and debit card processing.
What are some details I should consider about digital giving?
The cost to process online donations is an advantage in that it's cheaper than processing checks and cash.
It takes $1.25 to process a single check including the recording of the gift.
Online/digital giving is automatic. Also, consider that the national average is an increase of 17% in the offerings with online giving.
Part of our system is giving the digital donors a card to place in the offering plate so they can not let the offering plate pass without showing they are giving.
What are the costs associated with it?
1. The Merchant Account is free to setup.
2. The monthly fee for the merchant account and the Secure Giving web page starts at $15 per month.
3. Credit cards average between $2 to $2.50 per $100 unless they are reward cards. Debit cards are a little below $1 per $100.
4. Think of the online giving page as an online shopping cart and it's maintenance and security is taken care of for you. The main benefits of our online giving page for your website are the ease of use; you can customize every word so that you make it yours, the easy accounting for your records, and the security; you don't have to worry about privacy or exposure of the data to fraud.
What about the fees?
With the Giving Clicks system, you can have digital giving without any cost. The Charitable Rewards program sends cash rewards back to your ministry. Also, we can show you how to set your giving page to allow donors to give towards the fees.
"Interchange Plus" pricing is the cheapest possible solution for your ministry.
"Cost" means that all the direct costs from Visa, MasterCard, etc., for each transaction are charged without any "middle men."
"Cost" varies per transaction, but will typically be in the range of 1.7% to 2.3%. Rewards cards cost more but regular credit cards, and debit cards cost less. So you pay what it costs for the transaction plus the cost of the customer service, account funding, etc. Also, transaction fees on debit cards are much lower. Interchange Plus pricing ensures that you're always paying the lowest rate for each transaction and that each charge is upfront and transparent.
What additional incentives should I consider?
• You receive a Free complete online giving campaign which you download for free.
• No charge in bank or bank accounts needed.
• Fast funding to your bank account.
• Free equipment if needed.
• No application fee.
Are there any case studies I can see first?
Please visit the "Demo" section of our website to see examples.
How exactly does our giving increase?
Recurring giving doesn't take a vacation.
The average member misses fourteen offerings per year and those donations are made up through the Giving Clicks tools.
Most report that the fees are offset by the gain as the offerings become automatic and the added income from Charitable Rewards.
And there are plenty of church members who give online plus give in the offering plate.
Are there giving strategies I should consider?
Giving is an important part of the discipleship process. Jesus said that people's hearts and their finances were connected.
So when we encourage regular giving, we are being obedient in developing disciples. We must never apologize for leading people to follow Our Saviour...totally.
Since discipleship includes stewardship, this is about building disciples, not donors. Many churches offer some form of online giving, but few harness the power of it.
You need to do more than offer a donation button on your website; you must intentionally emphasize it.
You must consistently teach people to use online giving and set up recurring donations.
When you do this, here's what will happen (we've seen it happen over and over in all kinds of churches!)
1. Members will give to your church seven days a week instead of 1.
2. Members will give to your church, even when they don't' have cash or checks.
3. Members will give to your church when they are sick or out of town.
4. Bad weather days will have little effect on your budget.
5. The summer giving slump will be no more.
6. You will have more funds for ministry.
Do an entire campaign several times a year to move people to this type of giving. When you do this, you could see giving increase by 17% or more. We have the resources for this to help you, at no charge.
How do I promote online giving?
We have a complete online giving campaign with bulletin inserts, powerpoint slides, etc. which you can download, at no charge, to encourage people to give.
Talk about it on Sundays during announcements or during the offering talk. You should mention digital giving every week during the offering time.
Use something similar to this that fits your culture: "For those of you who have already given online or through automated giving, thank you for your consistent faithfulness and generosity."
Communicate the importance of it through an email blast or digital newsletter. You can even include a link embedded within the email for people to click and give!
As people give, inform the church that some people from your church have taken the step to a consistent, faithful giver through online giving.
Any questions? Call John Honeycutt at 407-902-9298 (set a phone call appointment here) or email at
What's in it for you (Giving Clicks) to help us?
As we've planted self-supporting churches, we gained experience in this area.
We'll receive a fee for referring you; we'll receive part of the monthly fee, and payment for customer service. And every church that enrolls will increase our expansion of the Charitable Rewards program, which helps us all. This will help our online partners to arrange for more features in the future.
What goes on behind the electronic giving?
When someone makes a donation to your ministry, there is a bank that pays your ministry immediately and they take the risk to collect the funds later from the donor.
That's done through your Merchant Account.
Sometimes people don't pay them, and they are out the money, but you still got the donation. So there is a fee for their risk to pay you right away and to later collect. This is all about risk.
They collect a lower fee for Debit cards because the risk is lower but there is still a risk, and they have personnel to pay to support the system.
The second step with the Online Giving Secure web page is important because that protects you. At no time is the credit card or debit card information kept on your website. It looks like they are on your site but they are on a secure page set up for you.
The connected Processor makes the payments, and the Online Giving server collects the information from the donor, passes it on to the bank and keeps it safe.
Why should I consider this change?
Online or electronic giving is an area that is common in most churches, and it is unlikely that people will reminisce about the good old days when they wrote checks for their giving or brought cash from their paychecks.
Turn your attention to the future and consider the best ways to reach the people that God has called you to impact for His name.
Online Giving is completely secure, and it's available 24 hours a day from any computer with an internet connection. We hope you will enjoy this convenient tool.
Is it acceptable to go into credit card debt when making a contribution?
We preach, teach, and encourage all of us to handle our finances in a biblical manner and do not encourage debt. The online giving option is for the convenience of those who prefer to do their banking and financial transactions online.
Is giving online using the world's system for finance?
All through the Bible, giving was based on the current method of exchange, such as offerings of animals, produce, and coins or money. Even in the New Testament Jesus told a parable where the unfaithful servant should have at least placed his Master's money in the bank to earn something rather than no gain at all.
And today, in our economy we use cash and checks much less than we used to, and more of electronic payments with debits cards, our bank's bill pay and credit cards, etc.. Electronic exchange is now worldwide and secure. Online giving allows desiring individuals a chance to give in the same manner as they do their other financial transactions.
How does online giving affect commitments to special Funds like the Building or Missions?
Giving to all aspects of your commitments are available online as well.
Is the credit card/electronic check information secure?
As privacy and safety are top priorities in this program, state-of-the-art security measures are in place. Security measures protect your privacy online. The same church officers and leaders will have knowledge of your giving, as is the case with regular cash and check contributions.